Make a parachute - In this workshop, participants will create a plastic or a paper parachute to learn about gravity, drag and air resistance.
By the end of the program, participants will expand their knowledge of the science behind parachutes as evidenced by trying to make their own parachutes to fly.
Classificação Indicativa: 7 a 13 anos
Duração: 60 min

A pandemic solution - Students will talk and discuss about our current situation: the coronavirus pandemic. In this activity, the group will find out a solution to the situations presented by the teachers.
They will help each other and count with the help of the participants who will use the chat box from the live to enrich their discussion.
Classificação Indicativa: A partir de 15 anos
Duração: 60 min

This workshop is based on the story “The Three Little Pigs”. Our goal is to bring together a classic story and crafting, making kids understand the difference between the materials.
By the end of the program, participants will expand their knowledge of the science behind different material they use as evidenced by trying to make their own houses.
Classificação indicativa: 4 a 8 anos
Duração: 60 min

Explore Spinning - In this workshop participants will build their own spinning tops. They will learn about the basic elements of a top: body, axle, and weight. They will use recycling materials.
By the end of the program, participants will expand their knowledge of the science behind spinning tops as evidenced by trying to make their own spinning.
Classificação indicativa: 6 a 12 anos
Duração: 60 min

Structures and Engineering - Students will learn the basics about structures and how we can build some with low cost, with a STEAM challenge that can keep kids busy.